What does the word “Ombudsman” mean?
The term ombudsman (om-budz-man) is Scandinavian in origin. In the United States, it has come to mean “advocate.”
What is a Long-Term Care Ombudsman?
The Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman Program was established under federal mandate through the Older Americans’ Act. A LTC Ombudsman is an advocate for the rights and well-being of nursing home and assisted living facility residents.
What services are available through the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program?
- Education to inform residents, families, facility staff and others on a variety of issues related to aging, long-term care and residents’ rights.
- Information and Referral to empower individuals to resolve concerns and complaints on their own behalf.
- Consultation to make recommendations for protecting the rights of residents and improving their care and quality of life.
- Individual Advocacy to facilitate the resolution of concerns and complaints and to protect the rights of residents.
- Systems Advocacy to identify significant concerns and problematic trends and to advocate for systemic changes that will benefit current and future residents of long-term care facilities.
Who can contact the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program?
Anyone can contact the LTC Ombudsman Program to discuss or seek assistance in resolving a problem, concern or complaint impacting one or more residents of a long-term care facility. This includes residents, friends, family members, facility staff, and others. As the resident advocate, however, the LTC Ombudsman always seeks to resolve the concern to the satisfaction of the resident.
How can I contact the Long-Term Ombudsman Program that serves my area?
The LTC Ombudsman Program can be contacted by phone, in writing, or by e-mail. Nebraska’s LTC Ombudsman Program consists of the State Office and several Local LTC Ombudsman Programs, which are located at Area Agencies on Aging and serve specific regions.
For more information call 402-444-6536.