The Intergeneration Orchestra of Omaha

One of the most unique musical ensembles in the United States, the Intergeneration Orchestra of Omaha bridges two diverse age groups through the common language of music. With musicians who must 25 and under or 50 years and older, the orchestra combines the best of both generations, blending the spirit and promise of youth with the experience and wisdom of the older generation. Together, they create lively, uplifting music that appeals to all ages.
Since 1985, the Orchestra has featured between 55-60 musicians. The Intergeneration Orchestra of Omaha, a project of the Eastern Nebraska Office on Aging, performs at schools, retirement centers, for special events, conventions, and at public events.
The Intergeneration Orchestra is a non-profit organization and receives funding from grants, corporate and individual donors. Orchestra members also participate in fund-raising projects to support the ensemble. For more information log onto our website at