Need to find a new place to live for you or a family member?
The Eastern Nebraska Office on Aging does not have a housing department, but our Information & Assistance Division can provide housing lists and information to assist seniors and their family members with the decision process.
Independent, Retirement, Assisted Living, and Long-Term Care housing lists for our 5-county service area (Dodge, Douglas, Cass, Washington & Sarpy) can be found on this page.
We do not recommend properties, only provide you with the resources so you can make an informed decision.
The current list for our 5-county service area (Dodge, Douglas, Cass, Washington & Sarpy)
The current list for our 5-county service area (Dodge, Douglas, Cass, Washington & Sarpy).
The current listing of Assisted Living Facilities in our service area (Cass, Dodge, Douglas, Sarpy & Washington Counties.
For the current listing of Nursing/Long-Term Care Facilities in our service area (Cass, Dodge, Douglas, Sarpy & Washington Counties.
Find and compare Medicare-certified nursing homes based on a location, and compare the quality of care they provide and their staffing. A nursing home is a place for people who can't be cared for at home and need 24-hour nursing care.
Use this database to compare nursing homes based on the deficiencies cited by regulators and the penalties imposed in the past three years. This database will allow you to: search nearly 80,000 nursing home inspection reports to look for trends or patterns; evaluate nursing homes near you; and find nursing homes that have been cited for deficiencies in infection control.
The Nebraska State Ombudsman Program published the guide
Know the Facts to assist you with the decision process in choosing an Assisted living facility.
Finding the right Skilled Nursing Facility
The resources below may assist you in this decision process:
ENOA's Ombudsman staff and volunteers advocate for and on behalf of individuals residing in skilled nursing facilities and assisted living facilities. Ombudsmen seek to resolve residents' concerns and improve their quality of care and quality of life. ENOA’s Ombudsman staff can answer any general questions you may have about Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing facilities. They would not be able to make facility recommendations.
For more information call 402-444-6444