Meals on Wheels
Food is one of the most basic of human needs. Yet it is something many of us take for granted. Some people are homebound, have no family members nearby, and have few options for getting groceries into their homes. Others may be physically or mentally unable to prepare meals. For those individuals, the ability to receive basic, reliable nutrition may mean the difference between independence and institutionalization.
For over 45 years, the Eastern Nebraska Office on Aging’s Meals on Wheels program has filled the nutritional needs of the homebound by providing hot, noon meals, personally delivered by our team of volunteers and paid drivers. Meals are delivered Monday through Friday. To receive the Meals on Wheels service, the following criteria should be met by clients who are:
- Age 60 or older.
- Experiencing difficulties with meal preparation due to physical or mental concerns.
- Unable to attend a senior center.
- Lack adequate cooking facilities and are unable to acquire them.
- Lack the proper nutritional support from spouse, family members or caregivers due to burnout, neglect or abuse.
- Agree to an initial assessment and a periodic reassessment of their need for the program.
If you know of an individual in Douglas, Sarpy, Dodge, Cass or Washington County who would benefit from receiving meals on wheels, call 402-444-6536 and request Information and Assistance. We will need the following information:
- Name
- Complete address
- Phone number
- Age and date of birth
- Monthly household income
- Clear directions to the home and any special instructions for drivers to locate the residence
- Any special nutritional needs
- Any additional information that might be useful, such as pets in the household or special delivery instructions
Individuals are asked to contribute to the cost of the service, based on their monthly income. Contribution statements are sent out each month. Low income individuals may be eligible to have this service covered by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services.
Donations are always welcome to help support the Meals on Wheels program.
If you are interested in volunteering to deliver Meals on Wheels, please click here on SeniorHelp Volunteer Program. Then scroll down to find SeniorHelp Application then email completed application to the address located on the upper right corner of the form.