Men and women age 55 and older who want to earn a tax-free stipend while making an impact in their community are encouraged to join the Senior Companion Program and the Foster Grandparent Program.
Sponsored locally by the Eastern Nebraska Office on Aging, the SCP and FGP are national programs of AmeriCorps Seniors, formerly the Senior Service Corps.
Senior Companions help other older adults maintain their independence by visiting them at home to discuss the news, read mail, play cards, run errands, etc.
Foster Grandparents serve as positive role models for children who need special attention with education, healthcare, and social development in schools, Head Start programs, and child development centers.
SCP and FGP volunteers must meet income guidelines and complete an enrollment process that includes references and background checks.
In exchange for volunteering 10 hours or more per week, Foster Grandparents and Senior Companions receive a $4 an hour tax-free stipend, mileage reimbursement, an annual physical examination, supplemental accident insurance coverage, and other benefits including an annual recognition luncheon.
The stipend does not interfere with rent, disability, Medicaid, or other benefits.
For more information on the FGP and SCP, please call 402-444-6536.